Friday, May 25, 2012

Pizza Night!

Trying to convince my husband to employ "meatless mondays" has been quite a challenge. BUT, piling veggies on top of a pizza crust did just the trick! We were leaving in a few days for an anniversary trip (free trip from an online contest, blog to follow!) in just a few days and had a bounty of vegetables that were going to go bad. 
In an effort to save money for the trip, I did cut some corners on this pizza. The total cost of this pizza was just $10 and there was more than enough for the 3 people I needed to feed! 
I normally go for the Whole Foods whole wheat crust, but I found a Pillsbury crust for just under $2! I also used 1lb of mushrooms, 8 small sweet peppers, 3 roma tomatoes, and one small onion. The first thing I did was start cooking all the veggies. Other than the mushrooms, all I did was cook them down with olive oil. I added balsamic to the mushrooms.

I rolled out the crust and covered it in olive oil and some spices. I cooked it for about 3 minutes, then added the sliced tomatoes and more oil and cooked it for another 3 minutes.

I added parmesan and mozzarella cheese and cooked that for another 3 minutes
Once I added the veggies, I cooked the pizza for another 5 minutes and let it cool for about 10 before slicing it.

The results were delicious! Between my husband and our good friend, we demolished this pizza. Other than the white flour crust, this was quite a healthy pizza. Great alternative to a meat packed meal!

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